Helping smart people in engineering work smarter together

How come there are so many smart cookies in this industry who aren’t so smart when it comes to working together? It’s essential that they work in well defined roles which are suited to their natural preferences and that they understand how to communicate with others, for example the ones who aren’t so black and white.

Difficult relationships with co-workers (and especially managers) are a common reason that companies lose their staff. The challenge is, particularly in these industries, everyone is so busy dealing with the day to day (the urgent and important), that they don’t get around to addressing the good people stuff (the non urgent and important).

If this goes unchecked, productivity plummets, engagement is low and worse, your reputation as a place to work suffers. I work primarily with engineering companies at both the individual level (coaching) and the team level (facilitation) to help them with team dynamics, knowing their aims and having a plan to get there. Your teams will feel more engaged, be more productive and play nicer together!

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Imagine if you and your team knew how to work and communicate with others even those who thought quite differently to them.

The engineering industry is typically filled with very black and white thinkers. But these companies will not survive without the more creative and innovative thinkers! As Scott Hartley, author of The Fuzzy and the Techie puts it, they bring context to code and ethics to algorithms.

So often these two groups of people don’t understand each other, and the consequences can be dire. Team Management Systems has over 25 years of validated research creating a number of profiling tools which help individuals not only understand their own work preferences, but also that of their team members. I work with teams in engineering and help them play smarter together, using these profiles. I also use a proven mix of coaching, facilitation, and simple tools and templates which help you understand your specific aims and how you are all tracking towards them.

I am thrilled to be one of the first consultants licensed to deliver the TRANSACTIONAL COMPETENCE™ framework in Australasia.

Transactional Competence™ is a behavioural framework which promotes cooperation, focus and harmonious workplace alignment. This research based, proven approach helps our clients define an actionable, understandable and relevant strategy that allows them to get more done with less resources. See more…

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Introducing High Performing Teams (HPT) profiling

Discover the power of team-level 360° feedback, benchmarking and measuring collective performance without the awkwardness of individual assessments, and driving real, measurable progress. See more…

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As seen on Seven Sharp, The AM Show and the Paul Henry show

I have enjoyed being a media commentator on various topics relating to career and life for both Mediaworks and TVNZ. Read more…


Profiling software

From working out your teams’ work preferences to understanding your team’s emotional and social intelligence, there are a variety of tools available for you to understand the people you work with better Read more...


Download our tolerations matrix, to get a check on ‘status quo’

Click here to download a tolerations matrix, and ask some tough but critical questions about how things are going right now.


Facilitation and group work

When your team is feeling overwhelmed, and maybe a little unloved, simply because of the reality of the day to day demands of your industry, a half day or whole day together can work wonders! Whether it’s working on your team aims... Read more...


Purchase a copy of my book Lead Generation

A simple how to guide to help you create your own customised lead generation strategy. Click here to purchase.

Would you like an MC who brings energy, warmth and fun to your next event?

I thrive on connecting delegates with each other, and helping the organising committee to create an amazing event full of inspiration, education and enagement. Read more…


Individual coaching work

People in Engineering, Science, Finance and Tech are often perfectionists and place an extreme amount of pressure on themselves and others. This can have quite an impact on their own wellbeing, and of those around them.…Read more...